Glenrothes High School

Support for Pupils/Guidance

How will GHS ensure that there is someone in school who knows your child really well and can support him/her through challenging times?

We have a number of people and structures in school which provide support for our learners to ensure that they feel happy, safe, successful and are supported in school.

The role of the Guidance teacher

The person who is likely to know your child best is your child’s Guidance teacher and they should also be your first point of contact if you have any concerns about your child.

We have three Houses at Glenrothes High School; each has a Depute Rector and a PT Guidance. Siblings are mostly in the same House, which creates a stronger link between school and home.

Guidance teachers are responsible for monitoring and supporting the development of  your child, including their friendships and relationships and their personal achievements. They are different from subject Principal Teachers, who are responsible for the progress of your child in one or more subject area.  Guidance teachers are subject specialists who have subject teaching duties during the school day but they also have extra time for their Guidance duties. They will alert you to any concerns about your child that may arise.

 How can you contact your child’s Guidance Teacher?

You can contact your child’s Guidance teacher by telephoning or e-mailing the school . Please remember that your child’s Guidance teacher has teaching duties and so may not be available when you call. You can leave a message for them with office staff and they will call you back.  If the matter is urgent, however, you can ask to speak to your child’s Depute Rector, the Rector or any member of the Senior Leadership Team. 

 What should you do if you have a concern about your child? 

Close partnership between home and school is vital in ensuring that your child is happy, successful and supported in school. 

  • The first point of contact is normally your child’s Guidance teacher.  They will monitor and support your child’s progress and wellbeing throughout their time at GHS and meet with them on a one-to-one basis during their secondary education at key points or as required.  They will also teach your child for Personal and Social Education.

  • You can also contact your child’s Depute Rector who is a member of the Senior Leadership Team.  They also monitor the progress and wellbeing of individual learners by regularly tracking academic progress, monitoring reports from class teachers, celebrating personal achievements as well as monitoring the merits and/ or demerits a child may accrue in classes for behaviour, effort, motivation and achievement.

What should you do if your child’s Guidance teacher is teaching and can’t speak to you immediately?

Guidance teachers spend a proportion of their week teaching classes in their subject specialism. This means they are not always available to take a phone call. There are also times when you may not be able to make immediate contact with the Depute Rectors for your child but another member of the Senior Leadership Team may be available. In these cases there are several options depending on the urgency of your concern:

  • Ask office staff to pass a message to the Guidance teacher requesting a return phone call.

  • Refer the matter to the Depute Rector for your child

  • If the Year Head is not available, then please ask to speak to another member of the Senior Leadership Team or the Rector.

Glencoe House

PT Guidance - Miss. M Sharp

Glenfinnan House

PT Guidance - Ms. T Darmudas

Glen Nevis House

PT Guidance - Mr. P Marshall


Depute Rectors

Head of Years S1, S2 & Support - Mrs. A Massie-Grimes

Head of Years S4 & S5 - Mr. L Fraser

Head of Years S3 & S6 - Mr. D Austin